Initiate Preliminary Engineering - Kickoff Meeting with Designer
You should hold a kickoff meeting with the Designer to initiate the Preliminary Engineering phase and discuss the project.
Required Attendees
Required attendees should be determined by the LPA. This may include representatives from the LPA, Consultant, and NJDOT.
Sample Agenda and Sign-In Sheet
Discuss the Project Location, Limits, Need, and Purpose
During the kickoff meeting, you should discuss the project location, limits, project purpose and need, and the Preliminary Preferred Alternative with the Designer.
Discuss Engineering Requirements
During the kickoff meeting, you should discuss the following engineering requirements with the Designer.
- You must meet the State Aid Requirements:
- Upon agreement execution: submit the construction plans, supplementary specifications, an engineer’s estimate, and the Engineer’s Design Certification to the District Office a minimum of thirty days before the advertisement for the receipt of bids.
- If the project intersects with a State Highway, submit the plans to the District Office a minimum of eight weeks before the advertisement for bid.
- You must meet the Minimum Plans Requirements by including:
- Key sheet showing project limits and location
- Typical sections
- Construction plan sheets showing pavements widths, ROW lines, and clearly indicating all proposed work
- Curb ramps with type as per NJDOT Standard Details
- Existing and proposed drainage – if required
- Maintenance and protection of traffic plan conforming to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
- Striping plan – if required
- Details
- You must comply with the following Manuals:
- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets
- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): Guide for Planning, Design and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
- NJDOT Bicycle Compatible Roadway and Bikeway Planning and Design Guideline
- AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bike Facilities - 2012 Edition
- NJDOT Pedestrian Planning and Design Guideline
- 2019 NJDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction
- NJDOT Supplementary Specifications for Federal Aid Projects
- The American with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and Illustrated Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Building
- State and Local Building Codes
- Americans with Disability Act
- Right-of-Way acquisition
- State Funded Projects: In accordance with N.J.A.C. Title 16:20A-4.45 and 16:20B4.3 requirements
- Federally Funded Projects: Per federal requirements
- You must meet the following requirements for a Railroad Project:
- Projects involving changes and improvements to all public rail crossings must be reviewed by NJDOT’s Railroad Engineering and Safety Unit.
- Submit plans to Local Aid District Office at least eight weeks prior to the advertisement for bid, if the project has a:
- Railroad crossing within the project limits.
- Railroad crossing outside the project limits, but within 1000 feet of an at-grade crossing on the approach.
- Railroad crossing outside the project limits, but parallel to a railroad within 200 feet.