Outdoor Advertising Services
The Outdoor Advertising Services (OAS) unit administers permits for outdoor advertising signs along all roads and highways in the state of New Jersey.
Permit Required For:
Signs that advertise a business or activity that is not conducted on the same property on which the sign is located (off premise).
License Required For:
Engaging in the business of outdoor advertising and advertising something other than business or activity of the permit holder.
Application requirements for the sizing, spacing, lighting, and zoning of signs varies depending on proposed location. State statute (N.J.S.A. 27:5-28) requires any person or company holding an outdoor advertising license or permit to file a disclosure statement with NJDOT. If a disclosure statement is not filed, the license and/or permit can be revoked.
E-Permitting is a web-based automated GIS-enabled application developed to manage, track and document all aspects of the OAS process. It offers secure access for all users. Individuals should use the E-Permitting portal for new permit and license requests and permit renewals.
1. Go to the Customer Portal and click on the Create an Account button (Existing Dealers must use their existing dealer number to be correctly associated to their account)
2. Enter the account registration details and click Submit (Existing Dealers use dealer number here)
3. Registrant will receive an email confirming submission of the dealer request
4. Approval email and password sent to the customer
5. Log into the Outdoor Advertising E-Permitting System
6. Click Account to view or edit User Profile and Company Profile
Apply for an outdoor advertising permit:
NOTE: Application progress cannot be saved, only start once you’re ready to apply.
1. Click Submit Application
2. Click Permit Application (The applicant information is read-only. This can be changed in the Account-Company Profile option.)
3. Click Maps and the GIS viewer will open
4. Enter remaining details and upload the required attachments
5. Complete the Acknowledgment by checking the two checkboxes
6. Complete the Signature section and click Complete Payment
- Once payment is complete in the payment portal, the application is submitted
- The system displays the Application Submitted Success screen and application number
- A confirmation email is sent to the customer that the application has been submitted to NJDOT
1. Click Submit Application
2. Click License Application (The applicant information is read-only. This can be changed in the Account-Company Profile option.)
3. Complete the Acknowledgment by checking the two checkboxes
4. Complete the Signature section and click Complete Payment or Save for Later
- If Complete Payment is clicked, the system verifies and saves the information
- Once payment is complete in the payment portal, the application is submitted
- The system displays the Application Submitted Success screen
- A confirmation email is sent to the customer that the application has been submitted to NJDOT
- If Save for Later is clicked, the previously entered information will be saved
- To access a saved application return to the dashboard screen and click on Action Items
- Locate the application and click Complete Item
1. Customer receives an email requesting one of the following:
- Additional Information Requested
- License Fee
- License Renewal Late Fee
- Permit Fee
- Permit Renewal Fee
- Permit Renewal Late Fee
- Violation Fee
2. The customer should open and review message and any attachments
3. Login to the Customer Portal and click Action Items
4. Click Complete Item to open the Action Items details
- Open and review messages and any attached documents
- Enter necessary additional information and attach documents as needed
- Click Submit
- If payment is needed, click Complete Payment
5. The response has been submitted to NJDOT
1. Log in and choose Application History
2. Locate the application to be cancelled and click on the permit number to open Permit Options
3. Click Cancellation
4. The cancellation request will be submitted to NJDOT
5. An email is sent to inform the customer if it has been approved
1. Login to the Customer Portal and click on Action Items.
2. Click the pencil icon button to view the Permit Renewal details.
- Review the permit(s). Uncheck checkbox icon if not renewing.
- Click the Complete Payment button. Select payment type and click Next.
- Enter Customer Information and click Next.
- Enter Payment Information and click Next.
- Review and Submit.
3. An email is sent to NJDOT informing them of renewal submission.
4. A copy of the receipt will be sent to the email in your customer information.
1. Login to the Customer Portal and click on Action Items.
2. Click the pencil icon button to view the License Renewal Application.
- Answer all questions and upload supporting documentation.
- Click the Complete Payment button. Select payment type and click Next.
- Enter Customer Information and click Next.
- Enter Payment Information and click Next.
- Review and Submit.
3. An email is sent to NJDOT informing them of renewal submission.