Transit Village Program
Provides grants for non-traditional transportation-related projects in the municipalities designated as Transit Villages.

Transit Village Program Milestones
April - July
Resolution & Agreement Execution
No later than July 31
Grant Announcement
No later than November 30
Project Award
24 months after Grant Announcement
Who is Eligible

Municipalities designated as a Transit Village
View Map of Municipalities Designated as a Transit Village
Program Benefits
Encourage reduced auto-dependency
Promote cleaner air
Revitalize and redevelop areas around transit facilities
Create compact, mixed-use neighborhoods
Selection Criteria
Proximity to a transit facility.
Pedestrian Connection
Improvements to pedestrian connections to a transit facility or within the Transit Village.
Bicycle Access
Improvements to bicycle access to transit, or within the Transit Village, using bike paths and bike lanes, though bike racks, bike lockers, or bicycle-safe grates are also encouraged.
Enhancements to make the Transit Village safer, more pleasant, or more rewarding, such as seating, heating, air conditioning and wayfinding.
Community Support
Eligible letters may be from community organizations, citizens, levels of government and elected officials other than those of the applicant municipality, and all interested parties. Letters from elected or appointed officials of the applicant municipality are not eligible letters of support.
Prior Success
Timely award and closeout of any previously awarded grant in any Local Aid program.

Project Profile
Pleasantville Transit Village Enhancement, Pleasantville City
Phase II of the Pleasantville Transit Village Enhancement Project was awarded through NJDOT Local Aid’s FY2015 Transit Village grant program. This phase included streetscape improvements on the north side of Washington Avenue between Downtown Pleasantville (N. Main Street) and 2nd Street, just one block north of the Pleasantville Bus Terminal. The City of Pleasantville also received a Transit Village Grant in 2013 for similar streetscape improvements on 1st Street. This Phase II project will connect the 1st Street improvements with Downtown Main Street and additional streetscape improvements being completed by the developer of nearby City Center, a new construction apartment community.
How to Apply to State Aid Programs
Applications must be made through the SAGE system. Instructions are available. The major components are the Scope of Work, explaining how the project meets each of the criteria, and the Data Sheet. All applications must include maps and photos are encouraged to show expected project achievements. All applications are scored based in part on the online applications and supporting documentation.