County Aid
County Aid funds are appropriated by the Legislature annually for the improvement of public roads and bridges under County jurisdiction. Each fiscal year commencing FY 2017, $161.25 million is appropriated for the Local County Aid Program.

County Aid Program Milestones
Notification of Funds
Submit ATP
August - December
Resolution & Agreement Execution
August - April
Project Award
36 months after Notification of Funds
Program Benefits
Improvement of County roads and bridges
Advancement of public transportation and other transportation projects
Advancement of projects in County Annual Transportation Program
Annual allotment of county local aid funds
Selection Criteria
County Bridges
Repairs or improvements to County bridges.
County Road
Repairs or improvements to County roads.
Annual Transportation Program
Each County must develop an Annual Transportation Program (ATP).

Project Profile
Chapel Avenue (CR 626) Roadway Improvements, Camden County
Cherry Hill Township in Camden County received County Aid funding to improve 1.9 miles of Chapel Avenue between Haddonfield Road and Kings Highway. This stretch includes many community facilities, including Cherry Hill West High School, Kilmer Elementary School, Chapel Avenue Park, Jefferson Cherry Hill Hospital, and houses of worship, however, the roadway was not suitable for the high number of pedestrians and bicyclists accessing the schools and park, as well as constant use by emergency vehicles and automobiles. The project used a “Complete Streets” approach, which focused on reducing travel speed and improving pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The improvements included 5-foot-wide bicycle lanes in each direction, improved pedestrian accessibility through ADA compliant curb ramps at all intersections and multiple traffic signal improvements, reduced travel lane width, and a westbound parking lane. This stretch includes many community facilities, including Cherry Hill West High School, Kilmer Elementary School, Chapel Avenue Park, Jefferson Cherry Hill Hospital, and houses of worship. However, the roadway was not suitable for the high number of pedestrians and bicyclists accessing the schools and park, as well as constant use by emergency vehicles and automobiles.
How to Apply
Applications must be submitted through PMRS. The major components are the Scope of Work, explaining how the project meets each of the criteria, and the Data Sheet. All applications must include maps, and photos are encouraged to show expected project achievements. All applications are scored based in part on the online applications and supporting documentation.