The Learning Center provides training and instructional information developed specifically for New Jersey Local Public Agencies (LPAs) as well as information from various other sources that might be of interest to our LPA Community.
What's New
Project Management and Reporting System
Special Provisions for State Aid Projects
Federal-aid Essentials offers a central online library of informational videos and resources designed specifically for local public agencies. Each video addresses a single topic, condensing the complex regulations and requirements of the Federal-aid Highway Program into easy-to-understand concepts and illustrated examples. Visit Federal-aid Essentials
The Technology Transfer (T2) program promotes the exchange of ideas and increase awareness of transportation related issues. The site includes information about the State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) and the FHWA Every Day Counts (EDC) program. Visit NJDOT Technology Transfer
Safety Voyager is a software application that was designed to provide a quick and easy visualization of crash data. Safety Voyager can quickly show a comparative view of crashes within a defined area, municipality or county as determined by the user. In addition, various filters are available to create detailed user defined queries. The crash data is updated as new information becomes available and is only available to federal, state and local government agencies to help develop crash analysis. Visit Safety Voyager