Resource Center News

The New Jersey Department of Transportation Office of Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs is seeking input from Pitman residents, business owners and visitors on bicycle and pedestrian conditions in the borough.

Through a grant from DOT’s Local Bicycle/Pedestrian Planning Assistance Program, Pitman is finalizing a Everybody Bikes (and Walks) Pitman bicycle and pedestrian master plan that seeks to improve mobility and safety for non-motorized traffic.

This plan included a detailed review and inventory of bicycle and pedestrian traffic generators, crashes, and overall conditions at major intersections and along key corridors.

From the review of existing conditions, a series of conceptual recommendations were developed to improve the walking and biking environment in Pitman.

Ultimately, the recommendations are intended to create a connected network that better links destinations in the borough and provides connections to the regional trail network in adjacent municipalities, while enhancing Pitman as a destination for visitors.

The plan offers a roadmap that the borough can use to request funding, develop, and implement strategic bicycle and pedestrian improvement projects.

DOT staff and the consultant team will take part in an open house on Monday, Oct. 21, at the Pitman Gallery & Art Center, 59 South Broadway, between 6-8 p.m.

The event will be conducted as an open house with no formal presentation schedule. The public is welcome to stop by at their convenience to review the study findings, maps, and graphics. Residents will also have the opportunity to ask questions of the consultant team and comment on the study findings.
